Thursday, March 18, 2010

she hulk likes to fuck! good for her.





ok so i know the juggernaut hump was the she hulk from universe A or what ever i never get that but i think all the other ones where the real she hulk

she hulk & iron man

she hulk & Hercules

and i dont know who that other person is so if u know who that is let me know or any other guys... or girls she hulk has fucked... ty.

Friday, October 2, 2009

copy & paste

welly welly well... i just copy and pasted this stuff off my myspace
You are in a mall when zombies attack. You have: one weapon, one song blasting on the speakers, and one famous person to fight alongside you.

dual wield Atomsk's 1961 Gibson EB-0 bass guitar and Haruko Haruhara Rickenbacker bass guitar model 4001S

clockwork kenji from the hat trickers

Sunday, November 09, 2008
Mega Man,Weighted Companion Cube,Solid Snake,Zero?

ok mega man and zero would take each other out because snake would be hiding in a box and the companion cube is basically a BOX!! and every way ive looked at what would happen next is that snake would go over to the cube and there would be some box on box action, so mega man, dead zero dead, cube fucked, snake wins all over cube

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Current mood:razdraz
Category: Blogging
so on the poll at gameFAQ its shows sephiroth in last what the fuck,cloud, snake maybe but kurby how the hell is kurby going to beat sephiroth, i think it would go like this cloud ,sepiroth would squaer off kirby some how would get stuck in the middle because hes dumb then hes dead, cloud would try to kill sephiroth and his dead ,snake would try his best to not get seen ,get the drop on him but have you seen sephiroth hes like 12 metel gears put to gether, as i finish this i see that its not funny at all but sephiroth would torcher and bleed them thats not funny to anyone else but me.
Tuesday, July 07, 2009

Current mood: hungry
art for nicky and zane, me

inking for king of pain, me

King of Pain:

Nicky and Zane:
Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Current mood:gloopy
someone was telling a story the other day that reminded me of this story from my childhood. so i was like 10 maybe 11 (FUCK i had a picture of me around this time period but i have no idea where is is now, if anyone has seen that pic of me and everyone at my sisters graduation, that's what i looked like in the story) ok so i had long hair, is the point, and my stepdad is beating me in the back yard for, like not finding his keys fast enough for his liking or something (i found his keys in the fridge one time after like a soild 2 hours of looking for them ha!) and im screaming like someone is beating me and the lady from next door looks over the fence and says hey stop hiting that little girl, so now im getting my ass kicked and someone is calling me a girl, then my stepdad says shut the fuck up to the lady from next door so, then she does and goes back inside thanks for the help lady so not only did i get my ass kicked but i got mocked as it happend hahahaha!!!!

next time ill tell you about the time my stepdad threw a broom at my brother and he fell out of a tree. it was hilarious!