Friday, October 2, 2009

copy & paste

welly welly well... i just copy and pasted this stuff off my myspace
You are in a mall when zombies attack. You have: one weapon, one song blasting on the speakers, and one famous person to fight alongside you.

dual wield Atomsk's 1961 Gibson EB-0 bass guitar and Haruko Haruhara Rickenbacker bass guitar model 4001S

clockwork kenji from the hat trickers

Sunday, November 09, 2008
Mega Man,Weighted Companion Cube,Solid Snake,Zero?

ok mega man and zero would take each other out because snake would be hiding in a box and the companion cube is basically a BOX!! and every way ive looked at what would happen next is that snake would go over to the cube and there would be some box on box action, so mega man, dead zero dead, cube fucked, snake wins all over cube

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Current mood:razdraz
Category: Blogging
so on the poll at gameFAQ its shows sephiroth in last what the fuck,cloud, snake maybe but kurby how the hell is kurby going to beat sephiroth, i think it would go like this cloud ,sepiroth would squaer off kirby some how would get stuck in the middle because hes dumb then hes dead, cloud would try to kill sephiroth and his dead ,snake would try his best to not get seen ,get the drop on him but have you seen sephiroth hes like 12 metel gears put to gether, as i finish this i see that its not funny at all but sephiroth would torcher and bleed them thats not funny to anyone else but me.
Tuesday, July 07, 2009

Current mood: hungry
art for nicky and zane, me

inking for king of pain, me

King of Pain:

Nicky and Zane:
Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Current mood:gloopy
someone was telling a story the other day that reminded me of this story from my childhood. so i was like 10 maybe 11 (FUCK i had a picture of me around this time period but i have no idea where is is now, if anyone has seen that pic of me and everyone at my sisters graduation, that's what i looked like in the story) ok so i had long hair, is the point, and my stepdad is beating me in the back yard for, like not finding his keys fast enough for his liking or something (i found his keys in the fridge one time after like a soild 2 hours of looking for them ha!) and im screaming like someone is beating me and the lady from next door looks over the fence and says hey stop hiting that little girl, so now im getting my ass kicked and someone is calling me a girl, then my stepdad says shut the fuck up to the lady from next door so, then she does and goes back inside thanks for the help lady so not only did i get my ass kicked but i got mocked as it happend hahahaha!!!!

next time ill tell you about the time my stepdad threw a broom at my brother and he fell out of a tree. it was hilarious!
Monday, January 12, 2009

Category: Blogging
I've been hearing a lot about the election and how we won or lost and how the u.s. is doomed or all the change there's going to be people thinking there's a difference i just want to put my point of view in there and i will say this is just my opinion the way I see things I'm sure if you're someone else you would see them differently and that's because we are different people but John McCain, Barack Obama, John Obama, Barack McCain, its all the same, sure there's the small differences and things will change in a small way but in the bigger picture its the same system the same corporations the same people the same poor the same rich, the same bureaucracy that keeps you in your jails to keep you controlled and if you're not thy will provide you with the bars i would rather stand on my own feet instead of trading my freedom to be a little safer, to be ungovernable
Sunday, December 28, 2008

Category: Blogging
so my friend works at a theater and not a moving picture theater or the cinny but with real people and everything and this person will remain nameless hahaha but i have seen three plays there already, the first one was my fair lady, first off i never like musicals, most people who like musicals tell me im closed minded but i think the problem is musicals suck hahaha but all and all it was a good performance and since i have a friend at the theater i did go and see it two times it was good the first time but the second i was kinda done with that musical i had seen some of the movie my fair lady but didnt remember anything about it going in to the play but shortly in to the play i realized that is were a unrefined girl meets these guys and they make her in to a proper lady, which is referenced in like a lot of cartoons like family guy theirs that whole episode were the clam turns in to a English pub and then one of the king of the hill episodes is call my hair lady and in south park "During the shooting of My Fair Lady, Barbra Streisand found one of the triangles. and the Simpson my fair laddy Bart and Lisa bets whether Lisa can turn Groundskeeper Willie into a proper gentleman and in the Simpson again the great louse detective Homer has to use Sideshow Bob in order to track down a potential assassin and that just the references in cartoons so i dont know what the point was but yeah references hahahaha
Monday, December 22, 2008

Current mood:christmas depression hahaha
Category: Blogging
well its a few days from Christmas so i figured i would do some christmasy type stuff so i watched all the Christmas specials on adult swim hilarious "santa you are a bitch ass nigger" ( haha then searched the net for Christmas porn i found the bitch that stole Christmas, barely legal x mas, and big titty Christmas, so if anyone know of any Christmas porn let me know and if i could find some hanukkah porn that would be awesome, well listing to crass: merry crassmas so that's what im doing for the holidays hahaha, let me know what your doing or other Christmas things to do?
Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Current mood:Oddy-knocky
Category: Blogging
so i like to viddy the films now and again, i watched city of ember and wall-e, ok ok ok i like to viddy childrens films now and again, there's an alarming motif of abandoning the earth to its waste and destruction for kids movies so is there some underlying hand guiding the worlds youth to be prepared for the doom of mankind and they're not the only ones like titan A.E. they're trying to get the earth back to the way it was, kiddies dont let the influences in movies and society make you responsible for their well-being; help out with the destruction part--it is so much funner. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!!!

alright now for a quick move review of wall-e and city of ember:

city of ember, the last city in the world is underground, bet you cant guess the name of the city,so kids are trying to figure out the secret of the city and blah blah need to drag even littler kid with them, some how thats safer, bill Murry, is bill Murry just fatter and asshole-ier.

ok wall-e, robot alone on earth another robot comes to earth the robots falls in love or what ever robots fall in and the robot version of fucking i guess is holding hands the robot that comes to earth is a dick to wall-e so that must be the girl one wall-e still wants to put his cock in it or "hold hand" so hes the guy that for the most part the movie it still was pretty good.

Monday, December 08, 2008

Category: Blogging
i was watching the movie handcock the other day and i had this thought that im sure you all have had before that will smith plays the same guy in every role ok ok theirs a few exceptions very few but all the others are will smith if he was a super hero, will smith fighting aliens, will smith vs zombies, will smith as a cowboy, will smith with robots, will smith as a cop, will smith as a poor kid from a bad neighborhood that gets sent to his rich uncles house, and will smith vs aliens again... so .... what was i getting at ummmmm.......yeah,will smith breaking down the walls of the theatrical arts
Saturday, December 06, 2008

Current mood: frustrated
Category: Blogging
so im sure this has happened to all of use but i really wanted to voice my frustrating about when your try to a comic back in its bag and board and you have the comic in one hand and the bag and board in the other, trying to slip the comic back in and keeping the bag open and the tape from sticking to the comic and you get one side in but the side with the staples bulges out and you cant get it in and you have to be careful you dont want to fuck up the comic and still watch out for the tape and dont bend it but you only have to hands somethings are just universul problems.